You absolutely get to choose the life you want to live!

Founder of Bust A Move Dance and Dance Business Coach


What would it mean for you to be fulfilled in your Leadership, Lifestyle and Business?

You absolutely get to choose the life you want to live and run the business you are passionate to lead.  So maybe it’s time to get out of your own way and embody who you were born to be. With self consistency, discipline and support from me, this is your invitation to take the leap. 

Whether you have a brick and mortar space, are self employed, independent and/or solopreneur MESSAGE ME to explore what working together could look like.

- Ali x 

 Ways we get to work together


1:1 Leadership & Business Mentorship

If you are a Dance, Fitness or Wellness studio owner, solo-preneur, entrepreneur and/or wanting to start or grow a business within these spaces, this option is for you

Teacher Training Opportunities

Whether you’re a newer or experienced teacher, coach or instructor, learn how to access deeper enjoyment and embodiment whilst connecting to your purpose as a leader.


I’m excited to redefine, re-ignite and reinvent the perspectives of the people & industries I’m called to work with


Company Culture Consultations

& Speaking

Coaching &

Teacher Training Programs

by Ali Phillips

Love & Relationships


Hi, I’m Ali

I am a Dance Business Coach and CEO of Bust a Move Dance - a leading international dance company for children, teens and adults with disabilities.

I love working with passionate leaders who want to grow their business from a place of aligned action and conscious leadership, ready to step into deeper levels of embodiment and personal freedom.

While BAMD will always be my first passion I now support other Dance Professionals to unplug from distraction and take radical responsibility in their leadership, business & lifestyle.

Embodied Leadership Coach

Brands I have worked with


The Embodied Leadership Method

Client love

Get my FREE Abundance Mindset worksheet to attract deeper levels of financial freedom

1:1 Leadership & Business Mentorship

4 months of 1:1 business mentorship to grow your business

Ready to take your business to the next level and unplug from what’s distracting you? What would it mean to show up as the most authentic, aligned version of yourself in all relationships and contexts? If you are craving more direction, more balance, more time and more MONEY - this is for you.

  • Business owners and entrepreneurs who:

    - Lack motivation and are seeking more direction

    - Feel stuck and are searching for new perspective

    - Experience imposter syndrome and are looking to feel more confident

    - Lack focus and are ready to create new habits

    - Often feel constricted by finances and want to attract more money

    - Experience isolation and are ready to be seen and understood

    - Struggle with perfectionism and want to embody deeper self compassion

    - Feel guilty setting boundaries and are ready to put themselves first

  • - You decide you are ready for more and book a call with me

    - We have a casual, fun chat about the ways in which you’re getting in your own way

    - I offer my support and share the investment, commitment & plan

    - We celebrate you TOGETHER by dancing and jumping up and down ;)

  • 4 months total

    - 2 x 90min coaching calls per month

    - Unlimited access to me via a video app

    - Monday Intentions / Friday reflections

    - Bi-weekly assignments

    - Journal prompts

    - Online resources

    - Personal challenges

    - Personal & Business specific exploration

    - WHY Discovery

    - VALUES Discovery

    - Introductions to my network

    - Early bird prices to my events

    *Accessible pricing and payment plans available.


“WHAT SEPARATES me from other coaches is my tough love approach and high level accountability. I am here to recognize the potential and hold you and your business to the visions you see for yourself


Embodied Dance Teaching by Ali Phillips

10 Week Program and Monthly Memberships

Feel confident facilitating dance classes for students of all ages, abilities, races, genders, sizes and beyond in our accelerated 10-week teaching bootcamp or begin to discover what makes YOU unique as a teacher in the monthly membership. Discover your unique zone of genius and take the steps to embody your re-defined Teaching Philosophy.

  • New and experienced teachers, facilitators, coaches and instructors looking to take a more conscious approach to their facilitation. Leaders of learning environments who want to create a positive shift in the Dance Industry, who are passionate about redefining studio culture, ways of learning and what makes them unique as a teacher.

  • - Creates a community of like-minded dance educators, all aligned in taking a more conscious approach to teaching

    - Supports Dance Leaders in redefining goals, discovering values, purpose & unique zone of genius

    - Encourages deeper intention and mindfulness when it comes to lesson planning, cultivating connection and enhancing the energy of a dance space

    - Prepares Dance professionals in giving and receiving feedback from a place of radical responsibility

    - Challenges teachers to unlearn old patterns adopted from personal experience in the Dance Industry and rediscover their true essence

    - Exposes educators to the concept of implicit and unconscious bias and encourages them to deepen self awareness in order to create safe dance spaces.

    - Reconnects Dance Teachers to their love, joy and enjoyment for teaching, inspiring deeper creativity and connection to the art of teaching itself.

  • - Depending on your budget, time commitment and experience, we offer multiple packages to support any teacher ready to take the next step.

    - Our accessible prices, on a sliding scale, make it affordable so no-one misses out

    - We cater to studio owners wanting more consistency across staff and have specific prices for larger groups

    - Whether you’re just starting out and are juggling study and teaching at the same time or teach in multiple studios full time, we have options for all

Whichever category you fall under, all options require a casual, fun discovery call! This is to hear more about your situation, gauge budget, commitment, experience and point you in the best direction for enrolment.

Accessible prices and payment plans available


Dance Studio Culture Sessions

Fun group sessions with your staff & instructors to deepen motivation & quality of leadership

Reconnect with your teaching staff through engaging conversation about their involvement in the studio and dance industry as a whole. Redefine the studio’s values, get clear on aligned behaviours and create language for giving and receiving empowered feedback. Provide an opportunity for your teachers to express what’s working in their individual classes and brainstorm creative ways to keep students challenged and engaged.

  • Dance Business & Studio owners who:

    - Desire to reconnect with their staff on a deeper level

    - Want to develop a more collaborate approach to studio culture

    - Are ready to create a clear vision & set of goals for their studio

    - Want clarity on studio values including language to support internal behaviours

    - Seek more consistency with team morale

    - Want to give their staff more responsibility and ownership

    - Want to provide a safe space for their staff to express concerns & offer feedback

    - Want their staff to feel connected to one another and spend time creating, collaboratively

  • Depending on your budget, time commitment and studio goals, we offer multiple packages to support any studio owner ready to implement these sessions

    Sessions include:

    - Pre-facilitation consultation & preparation for leadership team

    - Preparation for staff/teachers for leadership team to communicate

    - Full facilitation of all sessions (to include Leadership Team & staff) *Non-Negotiable

    - Curated activities & resources list for Leadership & Staff

    - Weekly check ins and accountability (pre, during & post)

    - Post-facilitation consultation and overview of values / goals / behaviours

  • - Sessions can be facilitated either in person (if in Toronto) or virtually

    - Session length & occurrence to be decided on between all parties

    - Leadership team must be present for all sessions with team members

    *Accessible prices and payment plans available

In order to assess which package your studio will benefit from best, options require a casual, fun discovery call! This is to hear more about your studio, gauge budget, commitment, goals and point you in the best direction for enrolment.

NOW it’s time for you to decide


I’m ready to get out of my own way and take the leap


I have multiple solutions that will help you achieve self discipline, consistency and create the life you DESERVE to be living



I’m honouring my ‘not right now’ and will circle back when I’m ready


HOWEVER, if you choose to take it at your own pace… I won’t let you leave empty handed. I have a library of resources for you to utilize


Listen now -

Who we are is how we lead

At the Barre with Jane Grech

Ali and I talk about ‘doing the work’ – for Ali that means being curious and asking questions, for me it means looking into the corners to uncover what is behind my responses or actions. Effectively, doing the work is asking questions, even when it’s uncomfortable

My Youtube Channel

Get to know my thoughts & opinions on a deeper level




Follow me on Instagram @aliphillips.official